Dear Owners,

Last night we held the Annual Meeting of the Members and it was a great success!!! We’d like to thank all the owners who came out and participated either in person or by proxy. The voice of the community has been heard and we have a new Board of Directors. Please join us in welcoming our newly elected Board Members David Muse, Karen Brand, and Phillip Moncrief to the Royal Oaks RCOA Board!!!!

Each newly elected Director will serve a 2 year term. Officer positions have not been selected yet, but will be posted once we have that information. We look forward to working with our newly elected and existing Board Members to serve the needs of the Royal Oaks Community!!!!

Best Regards,

Alfreda Raymond, CMCA, AMS

General Manager


AGENDA 2015-3-6

MEETING NOTICE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE (The alternative to mailing notices to each resident at least 10 days in advance of the meeting)

For Board meetings, “the date, hour, place and general subject of a regular or special board meeting, including a general description of any matter to be brought up for deliberation in executive session. “

Post “at least 72 hours before the start of the meeting by:

  1. Posting the notice in a conspicuous manner reasonably designed to provide notice to property owners’ association members:

i.      In a place located on the association’s common property [Bonnebridge gate bulletin board] or, with the property owner’s consent, on other conspicuously located  privately owned property within the subdivision; or

ii.      On any internet website maintained by the association or other Internet media; and

  1. Sending the notice by e-mail to each owner who has registered an e-mail address with the association.

(f) It is an owner’s duty to keep an updated e-mail address registered with the property owners’ association under Subsection (e)(2) (B).”


To access specific or general documents on the website, select the “Residents Access” tab on the upper right area of this homepage. A dropdown list will appear. Select the area you wish to access. All governing documents and records are password protected. Should you not have the current password, please send a request email to