Dear Royal Oaks Residents,
As you are aware, The Board of Directors (The Board) accepted Mr. Massoud Tabrizi, P.E. and Mr. David Keel, P.E. (both residents of Royal Oaks) as volunteers, to help The Board in selecting a qualified contractor to complete the repair works on the perimeter wall. Both Mr. Tabrizi and Mr. Keel have been practicing engineering for 30 years. Due to their prior engagements, they were unable to attend the question/answer session of the board meeting on April 7th, 2015. This update has been prepared to inform the residents of the Royal Oaks Community of the project status.
To date the following actions has been completed:
- The specifications prepared by Barnhart Constructors, Inc. (Barnhart) have been reviewed.
- A list of 8 local qualified and reputable contractors were identified.
- A Request for Proposal (RFP) has been prepared.
- The RFP has been forwarded to all qualified contractors.
- The RFP also requested a separate bid for annual inspection and maintenance program.
Upon review of the specifications by Mr. Tabrizi and Mr. Keel and their discussions with contractors, they were of opinion that some of the work recommended and the methodology proposed by Barnhart was not necessary and was too cumbersome.
Currently we are in the process of conducting emergency repairs. Fencecrete America has been selected to complete these repairs. The repairs include the replacement of wall sections that are visibly damaged and are beyond repair. The repair work is estimated around $3,000.00 to $5,000.00. This portion of the project should be completed within the next few weeks.
Currently Mr. Tabrizi, Mr. Keel and Ms. Alfreda Raymond are conducting individual meetings with each contractor to narrow down the scope and methodology of the project. Once this is complete, the contractor with best approach and price will be awarded the contract to complete the remainder of the non emergency work. Currently three contractors have been interviewed and others have been scheduled for the upcoming weeks. The Association will re-establish a regular maintenance program once the repair work has been completed.
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